Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How does "Sarah Barracuda" stack up against vice presidential nicknames of the past?

A political insider-turned-outsider and the first female governor of Alaska, "Sarah Barracuda," could be a heartbeat away from the presidency, should her 72-year-old running mate win in November.

Here are some other Vice Presidential Nicknames from America’s past:

Elbridge “Pickles” Gerry (1813-1814)

John C. “Dank Nuggets” Calhoun (1829-1832)

Charles “Char-Dog” Fairbanks (1905-1909)

Millard “Old Balls” Fillmore (1849-1850)

Hubert “The Big Green Fucking Machine” Humphrey (1965-1969)

John Nance “Booya” Garner (1933-1941)

William “Crazy Legs” Wheeler (1877-1881)

Adlai E. “He Hate Me” Stevenson (1893-1897)

Spiro “Baron Von Awesome” Agnew (1969-1973)

Dan “Dan” Quayle (1989-1993)

Dick “Just Because I Rock Doesn't Mean I'm Made of Stone” Cheney (2001-2008 )


Pedro G said...

Dan "Dan" Quayle ftw

Rein-O said...

DId you photoshop out Palin's horns and snaggletooth?

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