Monday, July 28, 2008

Do What Tastes Right

I went to Wendy’s for lunch yesterday…and by the way, one sure-fire way you can tell that you’ve made all the right choices in life is if you’re entering a Wendy’s while the sun is still out--a time usually associated with consuming nutrition to help your body function as intended. Anyway, I’m sitting there, looking up at the menu, thinking about which masochistic choice I’m going to make when I saw, in all it’s glory, the Wendy’s motto: “Wendy’s: Do What Tastes Right.” Do what tastes right…is that not literally the worst dietary advice you could give to another human being? I mean seriously why don’t they go ahead and just change their motto to “Wendy’s: Ah, Fuck It.” Thank God whoever wrote that awful ad-copy didn’t decide to go into Sex Ed. “You know what kids, my advice to you is to just go ahead and do what feels right.”


Anonymous said...

Yes, why promote impulse satisfaction inside a fast food store? Better to caution your customers to think about the nutritional value of their meal, weigh the pros and cons, before diving right in.

Listen, I wrote that copy and I got a raise for it.

rebeccamarie said...

you are hilarious. and i had wendy's for lunch today, so thanks for making me feel guilty about it.

and thanks for adding to my internet rounds- one more thing i have to read everyday! (cause you know i will)

love you and miss you.

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